I knew it was spring because,
On Monday, I saw one big, juicy bug eating leaves.
On Tuesday, I saw two bees getting nectar from flowers.
On Wednesday, I saw three bears waking up from hibernation.
On Thursday, I saw four geese getting worms at the park.
On Friday, I saw five kids playing hockey on the street.
and that’s how I knew it was spring.
Once upon a time their was a hamster.His name was Whiskers. One day he wanted go to school. He wanted to learn a tick and he did. He learned how eat a big treat. He was so proud of him self! When he got home he was so happy! He was so huge. So he had snack. The end.
Once upon a time a dinosaur went to the moon to build a snowman.But when he got there was no snow on the moon.He tryed for long time he didn’t find anything. In sted he made a rockman he made it out of rock.It was very hard.But it worked he was so happy!