October 18th 2016 archive

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We continued to work on increasing patterns. We are now focusing on increasing number patterns and being able to figure out the “rule” so that we can continue the pattern (example: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, ___, ___ – the “rule” is add 3 every time). We discussed how house numbers have an increasing pattern and that students should try to look at the house numbers on their streets to figure out the pattern.


Daily 5 – For Work on Writing we talked about writing sentences. Proper sentences must be a complete thought and must start with an uppercase letter and end with a punctuation mark. We practiced writing sentences about our PWIM poster.


Social – We learned about how First Nations people in Canada taught the European explorers and early settlers survival skills necessary to survive harsh Canadian conditions. We considered how the relationship between European settlers and First Nations people started as a trade relationship. We looked at pictures and learned about early housing – tipis, sod houses, and small wooden houses.

French – Mme. Jasper


Drama – We started working on a Halloween reader’s theatre story in 2 groups.

Quiet Time – Maggie shared a historical family story with us, and Phil read a book to us in German.


**Muffins & Books is tomorrow from 8-8:40 in the shared learning area and library for those families who returned a permission slip indicating that they would be in attendance. As I will be away in the morning for a conference, the classroom will not be open at this time. The students’ book boxes are in the hallway.

***Oops! Sorry that it was not made clear when students were to return the completed community stories (blue sheets) that went home yesterday. As the students will be sharing these during Social and Quiet Time over the next 2 weeks, students can return them to school whenever the have the chance to complete them (over the next few days or after the weekend).