September 19th 2016 archive

Monday, September 19th, 2016

French – Mme. Jasper

Morning Routine


Daily 5 – We read parent responses from our Weekend News Duotangs. Ava, Emery, and Dominic read theirs for the class. We learned two new Word Work games – Sight Word Sort and Zonk! The students did 2 rounds of Read to Someone with different partners.


Talking Circle – We shared ways that we can be more mindful this week at school.

Genius Hour – We practiced calming our bodies to regain control of our thoughts. We began  to train our brain to focus on only our breathing for 15 seconds – not as easy as you think, especially for 6-7 year olds! We will be using this as a self-regulation strategy to deal with stress, fear, anger, etc.

Social – We continued to work on our “Who meets our needs?” books.


Magazine Fundraiser Assembly – Order forms and prize information sent home today.


*I am still looking for single lost socks! We use them for erasing our mini whiteboards everyday. Please send them to school if you have any laying around. Thanks 🙂