September 13th 2016 archive

Monday, September 12th, 2016

French – Mme. Jasper

Morning Routine


Daily 5 – We learned about Read to Someone, and practiced with 2 different partners. For Word Work, we learned a new game, Bear Families (word families with the same endings) and practiced playing as a class. We read one of our new books, “Purple, Green, and Yellow” by Robert Munsch.


Genius Hour/Talking Circle – We discussed the ideas of being mindful (engaged in what we are doing, aware of our surroundings) and unmindful (unaware/zoned out, only partially engaged in the task at hand). We considered times that we have been mindful/unmindful, and created comics in our journals showing what we might be thinking or saying when we are being mindful/unmindful. We want to work towards being mindful learners and people.


Social – We compared how the W. S. Hawrylak School community is the same and is different than other communities we belong to such as sports teams/arts groups/church groups, etc.

Quiet Time

Mail – Book orders were sent home today. Please return by September 26th.

Home Time