Archive of ‘Charlie’ category


I knew it was spring because

On Monday, I saw one red bike glimmering in the sun.

On Tuesday, tow busy bees working happily.

On Wednesday, I saw blue birds chirping loudly .

On Thursday, I saw four mean wasps biting cruelly.

On Friday I saw five geese hissing in the park.

and that`s how I new it was spring.

Snowboard World

Once there was a snowboarder that went to snowboard world, the biggest mountain in the world. He said this is AWESOME! Then he went up all the chairlifts. Even the peak. He had a lesson at 5:32 but he missed it. He was ok he was also sad he went in for lunch he was happy. The end.


once there was a dinosaur who had a rocket he went to the moon.He wanted to build a snowman but there was no snow so he got a jack hammer and made powder and stuck it together with glue but it fell over he cried.Then he rebuilt it and he built a new one.Then he played with it and they had fun.