A birthday cake that doesn’t want to be eatin

Once there was a birthday girl and her best friend was a birthday cake. Her birthday was coming up and her mom and dad couldn’t buy a birthday cake because it was too much money. But when the cake was not listening she told her mom and dad that she could eat her best friend! But the cake was listening and then the cake found out that the party was on the beach. Right when they got to the beach the cake jumped right out of the car and swam away. When he got to the deep part of the ocean he got bit by a shark and then a lot of fish started chasing him. But then the cake found a world of birthday cakes and then he lived there. Then her family found a cake that was only 15 dollars so they had to buy it.They loved playing outside and they went camping every summer they also loved going to the lake to catch some fish and they lived very fun and happy life. The end.

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