January 17th 2017 archive

Tuesday, January 17th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We started with a Mad Minute to check in on how students are doing with adding 2-digit numbers. We learned one new strategy called the “building method”. Students now have 3 options to pick from when adding. There are many different ways to come up with the correct answer! We learned 5 new math centres and had a quick round of math centre time.


Daily 5 – We did 2 rounds of Hi-5 groups while I read with students.


Phys. Ed.

Health – We reviewed ways to protect ourselves from germs. We discussed some of our vocabulary words: illness, germs, virus, bacteria, contagious. The students worked on a comparison between what they look like/feel like/sound like on a “sick day” vs on a “healthy day”.


Choice Centres