January 10th 2017 archive

Tuesday, January 10th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – During centres, I worked with students on addition with regrouping using 10’s and 1’s manipulatives.


Daily 5 – The students did 2 rounds of Hi-5 groups. I read with Leica and Tiago. **Please make sure that if you still have library books at home from over the break, you send them back to school so that your child is allowed to take out new books.


Phy. Ed. – We completed a series of partner challenges.

Health – We watched a video about how the cells in our body respond when we eat too much processed sugar. The video was based on the American Heart Association suggestion of no more than 16 grams of processed sugar a day for children. We started to look at the labels of some of our snacks to see how many grams of sugar they have.


Choice Centres – While the students worked on choice centres I read with Sam and Kellan.



***I have two parents who have indicated that they are able to come and help with skates on Friday morning. We could use one more! Please let me know if you are able to help out! Thank you in advance 🙂