Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

We had a busy, busy day!


Morning Routine

Math – We played a partner dice game to practice adding doubles +1.

The Great Christmas Cup Stacking Challenge! – In groups we created trees out of red and green cups. We decided to use all of the cups to make a giant tree as a class! In total we successfully stacked 220 cups! Wow!

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Daily 5 – We wrote a poem following an imagination activity about what our senses experience during the holiday season. We had a short round of Flashlight Tuesday.


Phys. Ed. – Reindeer Training!

Social – We considered choices that we could make to be less wasteful of resources.


Reading Buddies – Holiday Craft and reading.



***Just a reminder that students need to bring candy tomorrow to decorate their gingerbread houses. If possible (I realize this is short notice) students should also bring a plastic plate/cardboard to put their house on. I will have lots of extra plates so do not worry if you cannot send this along tomorrow!!

****Tomorrow is Pajama Day as well as early dismissal. Students will be dismissed at 2:30.


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