December 12th 2016 archive

Monday, December 12th, 2016

French – Mme. Jasper

Christmas Concert Rehearsal


Morning Routine/Mad Minute/News Duotangs


Christmas Story – Library

Talking Circle

Daily 5 – We started a Work on Writing project that will be displayed on our bulletin board shortly!


Social – We continued to look at needs and wants. We learned about producers and consumers and considered where all of our needs and wants are produced.



**Just a reminder about Operation Holiday Spirit 2016. Our class is to collect gifts/gift cards ($15-$20 dollar range) for GIRLS in grade 1/2 at the school we have adopted. I have been told that many students at the school we have adopted have difficulty using gift cards unless they are for Cornwall Mall or Tim Horton’s due to transportation. We are also collecting toiletry items including soap/body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hats, mitts, and gloves. There will be a box in the classroom until December 14th to collect donated gifts/toiletries.Thank you in advance for your generosity!