December 8th 2016 archive

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We played a partner game to practice adding higher doubles. Some students are still finding doubles higher than 5 (6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9) tricky to remember.


Daily 5 – Hi-5 groups. I read with Sidd, Maggie, Dominic, Erik, Adrita, Phil, Caden, and Madi.


Christmas Concert Rehearsal


Arts Ed. – Mme. Jasper

Mail – Operation Holiday Spirit 2016 information was sent home today. Our class is to collect gifts/gift cards ($15-$20 dollar range) for GIRLS in grade 1/2 at the school we have adopted. I have been told that many students at the school we have adopted have difficulty using gift cards unless they are for Cornwall Mall or Tim Horton’s due to transportation. We are also collecting toiletry items including soap/body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hats, mitts, and gloves. There will be a box in the classroom until December 14th to collect donated gifts/toiletries.Thank you in advance for your generosity!


***The Christmas concert performances are less than a week away! Please ensure that your child has a red/green shirt, black (or red/green) pants, and a Santa or elf hat in time for their performance day.