November 2016 archive

Monday, November 14th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – Today we looked at how to solve math “mysteries” – addition sentences with a missing addend (ie: 9 + ___ = 12   or    ___ + 4 = 10). We will continue to practice these. We learned one new math centre called Secret Story.


Daily 5 – We read our Weekend News Duotangs. During Hi-5 Groups, I read with Parker, Nev, Kellan, Luke, Leica, Emery, and Max.


Phys. Ed.

Social – We continued working on mapping. The students finished up their maps of the park, and some started on maps of the classroom/their home.


Choice Centres

Mail – Personal Social Growth Rubrics (usually a part of report cards) were sent home today. Please discuss with your child prior to conferences. Thank you!



***Please return Agribition forms to school ASAP if you have not done so already. Please pay on your online account.

****There will be a HSCC fun lunch on December 1st. Please go to to set up an account and place orders.

*****School clothing is available for order. Sample sizes will be in the shared learning area until Monday. Order forms are available on the school website.Orders are due November 25th.

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

French – Mme. Jasper

Remembrance Day Assembly


Book Fair


Work on Writing – Weekend News Duotangs

Genius Hour – The students continued to work on their Genius Hour projects. Many students will require some small items for our next Genius Hour period which will be on Friday, November 25th (such as newspapers, recyclable bottles, vinegar/baking soda, etc.) Please ask your child if they need anything like this. Please do not go out and buy anything!!! Let me know if your child has requested an item that you do not have at home (or something that seems unreasonable).


Social – We went outside to create our own maps of the school and park. We will finish these maps off next class.



Have a great long weekend 🙂


Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We looked at different ways we could group thing to add them up. While the students worked on math centres, I worked with Dominic, Sam, Siddhartha, Chase, Luke, and Kellan.


Daily 5 – We learned a new comprehension strategy for our reading strategies “CAFE”. We did Read to Self to practice this strategy. During Read to Self, I have been helping students to check that their book box has books that are a “good fit” for them.


Social – We will be spending the next few days looking and creating maps. Today we located Canada on a globe and map of the world. The students found, coloured, and labelled Saskatchewan on a map of Canada. As a class we used a Google Map of the world and zoomed all the way in to look closely at the city of Regina to locate some places in the city that we know.

French – Mme. Jasper


Drama – We continued to work on our “Piggie Pie” readers theatre.

Quiet Time – Kellan shared his community heritage story with the class.



**Tomorrow we will be going to the book fair. Students are welcome to purchase books at this time.

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We learned about equality and inequality and played a game as a class. During math centres, I worked with Annalise, Phil, and Adrita.


Daily 5 – Hi-5 Groups. I read with Chase, Tiago, Same, Annalise, Charlie, Ava, and Grayson.


Social – We learned a little bit about the history of Remembrance Day and about why we wear poppies. We created our class wreath for Wednesday’s assembly, and wrote cards for the veterans at the Wascana Rehab Centre.



Arts Ed. – Mme. Jasper



**We will be going to the book fair as a class on Wednesday. Students will have the opportunity to purchase books at this time.

***A note was sent home today regarding Agribition (November 23rd). I totally forgot to put a space on it for your child’s name, oops! Could you please add their name to the note before returning it to school? Additionally, I am looking for 5-6 (preferably 6) volunteers to join us at Agribition. Please let me know if you are interested! 🙂

Friday, November 4th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – While the class worked on math centres, I worked with Tiago, Ava, Erik, and Charlie.


Daily 5 – News Duotangs. PLEASE try your best to write a response and help your child to send their duotang back on Monday.


Phys. Ed. – Mrs. Bechard

Music – Mrs. Machnaik


PWIM – We put all of our sentences into categories. Next class we will start writing paragraphs using these sentences.



**The book fair is next week (Monday – Wednesday).

***The Remembrance Day assembly is on Wednesday morning. Please send along a donation for a poppy.

****Next week is a short week due to Remembrance Day. Students do not have school on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We worked on a math task as a class, telling stories to create math sentences.


Daily 5 – Hi-5 Groups. I worked with Luke, Emery, Max, Maggie, Caden, Dominic, Jiselle, Sidd, Erik, Niki, Madi, Adrita, and Phil.


Phys. Ed.

Choice Centres


Social – The students did a fantastic job presenting their models. After the presentations, we had a “Grade 2 Museum” to check out all of the projects.

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Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

French – Mme. Jasper

Morning Routine

Math – We learned 3 new math centres.


Daily 5 – We learned another new strategy for our “CAFE” menu, cross-checking to see if a word looks right/sounds right/makes sense.


Talking Circle – The students shared a story from their Halloween.

Genius Hour


Social – Most groups were able to finish creating their models today. Sharing will start tomorrow.

Quiet Time

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – We looked at how addition and subtraction are related by looking at fact families.


Daily 5 – We started our reading strategies “CAFE”. We discussed the importance of stopping to make sure that you understand what you have read, and going back to re-read if you do not.



Social – We continued to work on our models. Most groups are almost done!

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French – Mme. Jasper


Drama – We started a new reader’s theatre, “Piggie Pie”.

Quiet Time – Charlie shared his community heritage story with us.

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