October 13th 2016 archive

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Morning Routine

Math – The class finished off their patterning booklets. We talked more about finding the CORE of a pattern, and learned one new math centre, Galaxy Party.


Daily 5 – In groups the students rotated through Read to Self and library, Read to Someone, Word Work, and Work on Writing.

Lunch – Over the lunch hour, there was a fire drill to practice fire drill evacuation. As the students were getting ready to go outside at this time, some had their indoor shoes off and went out in their socks. Check your child’s backpack – wet/muddy socks were put into bags.

Phys. Ed. – Since many students’ indoor shoes were muddy from the fire drill, we had Phys. Ed. outside (so that our indoor shoes could dry and we could bang the mud off them).

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img_3402Social – We finished our community job presentations. As a class we talked about how our community is interdependent (how all members depend on each other) – we depend on workers and workers depend on the people they service or provide goods for. We also considered how despite the diversity of the people in our community, all individuals belong to this network of interdependence.


Choice Centres
